Congratulations to Tsang Kin Hei from 5S for winning the Third Place in the 70th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (English Solo Verse Speaking- S.5 Boys)! Thank his teacher trainer, Ms. Sung Lai Han, for her advice and guidance.

Once again, we thank all participating students and teacher trainers for your time and effort. We hope that all participants have gained valuable experience and will bring us more good news!
恭喜5S班曾健熙同學榮獲第七十屆香港學校朗誦節(英文獨誦)第三名,亦感謝Sung Lai Han老師的指導。期望各參賽者在餘下的比賽項目中,全力以赴,

你是 2018年12月11日 起,第 位訪客。

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